
BEA Summer School 2013!!

BEA Summer School 2013!!


This year we are again having the popular Summer School!! I would like to thank all the many people who have come before and are coming this year.  Also, this year in order to have a special summer we will, of course, have water play, science and cooking activities, and much more!!  Every day there will be different activities!  Please sign up!  We are waiting for you!!
-Principal Yukichi!

学園長 ゆ♥き♥ち♥

Days 日時: 7/22-26・ 7/29-8/2・8/5-8/9・8/19-8-23
Time :9:00-14:00(早、延長の必要な方はお問い合わせください)。

Dead Line 締め切り: 7/13 Saturday by 12 p.m. 

Age limit 対象年齢: Kindergarten ~ Elementary School (For Children 3 years old there is Summer Pre-School.  For more information about Summer School contact BEA)対象:就園児~小学生(3才未満のお子様はSummer Pre-Schoolをご利用下さい。サマープリスクール詳細はBEAまで。)

5days   ¥22,000
10days ¥43,000
15days ¥54,000
20days ¥65,000

★Be English Academy&BEA International School(卒園生も含む)生徒様は上記よりさらに割引となります!!また、サマースクール後に入会の生徒様も割引の対象となります。詳細、その他ご質問等ございましたらBEAまでご連絡下さい。